

Future Factory

Focused on developing the connected hardware and tools to enable the factory of the future. Including areas such as cobotics (robots designed to work alongside humans), smart tooling, intelligent asset tracking and machine connectivity to develop connected flexible manufacturing cells.

See Future Factory technologies

Digital Platform

From COREF’s visualisation suite in Crawley, concepts can be tested in virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These technologies can connect and integrate data from varied sources (e.g. CAD, laser scanning, photogrammetry, discrete event simulation) and present information in a way that delivers maximum value. The Crawley lab also hosts the capability to deploy advanced analytics and Machine Learning tools to deliver further data insights.

See Digital Platform technologies

Data-driven decision making

High-rate data streaming and digital twins provide data driven insights into industry, through quality monitoring, remote diagnostics, simulation and cost modelling. COREF enables users to run and test industrial software solutions in a sandbox environment whilst also being able to connect to live industrial assets – to further develop effective data management and support automated & semi-automated decision-making.

See Data-driven decision technologies